The Magic of Matcha: Health Benefits & My Favourite Vanilla Matcha Latte Recipe

Matcha Mornings

Sipping on a Vanilla Matcha Latte is a great way to enjoy matcha’s impressive health benefits. I love making one mid-morning or for an afternoon energy boost. Matcha is 10 times more potent than green tea, using the whole tea leaf rather than just steeped leaves, delivering robust nutrients. Research highlights matcha's neuroprotective properties, cognitive benefits, and powerful antioxidants that protect against stress and cancer.

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Why Matcha is a Great Coffee Alternative

For many, coffee causes issues like disrupted sleep, anxiety, and digestive trouble. Unlike coffee, matcha’s caffeine is released gradually due to L-theanine, an amino acid that promotes an alert yet relaxed mental state. This makes matcha an ideal choice for people sensitive to caffeine’s effects

Can't Quit Coffee?

I’m not ‘anti-coffee’, but I do recognise that for many people, coffee causes problems. Even a small amount can disrupt your sleep, irritate your gut (sometimes leading to acne breakouts), deplete your adrenals, and cause anxiety and jitters, particularly if you happen to metabolise caffeine slowly. If this scenario sounds all too familiar, Matcha is a great alternative.

The caffeine in Matcha is released more slowly than in coffee because of an amino acid called l-theanine. L-theanine gives you a mental energy boost – described as an alert but relaxed mental state – that balances out the over-stimulating effects of caffeine. And it’s a rare nutrient, only being found in tea and one species of mushroom.

Tired and Wired

Whilst coffee can often leave us feeling tired and wired, matcha offers some impressive health benefits:

  • Mood-boosting: L-theanine and EGCG enhance serotonin and dopamine for a balanced mood and cognitive function.

  • Liver Support: Polyphenols in matcha help detoxify naturally.

  • Immune Defense: Matcha has antiviral and antifungal properties that support immune health and inhibit cancer cell growth.

Vanilla Matcha Latte Recipe

My favourite way to drink Matcha is in the form of a creamy, rich Matcha Latte.

I add vanilla essence for extra flavour and I also love to add a small teaspoon of honey – currently I’m using an organic wild thyme honey that has a lovely earthy flavour. Using a blender or milk frother is a great way to make it extra creamy.

One more tip: skip the sad, watery almond milk and use something like hazelnut or coconut milk – the higher fat content makes for a much more frothy and creamy concoction, a perfect pick-me-up for winter afternoons.


  • 1/2 tsp matcha powder

  • 200 ml plant milk (e.g., hazelnut or coconut)

  • 2-3 drops vanilla essence or a dab of vanilla bean paste

  • 1 tsp MCT or coconut oil (optional)

  • 1 tsp raw honey (optional)

Instructions: Add ingredients to a milk frother or heat them on the stovetop until warm. For the creamiest latte, use a high-fat milk option, like coconut or hazelnut.

Pro Tip: Store matcha in the freezer to preserve its nutrients.

Kim Haslam, Creative Copywriter

DipION, mBANT, CHNC, mRSM, mIFM, BA (Hons)

hello [at] kimisawriter [dot] com

© Kim Haslam, 2024